Friday, November 16, 2012

Psalm 111:2

Psalm 111:2
Great are the works of the LORD,
studied by all who delight in them.

Rebellion is the fruit of forgetting God's works (Ps. 106:7), but all who delight in God bring His works to mind, and those people are given hope (Lam. 3:21-23). A true delight in God's works is stimulated by, and leads to, a delight in God Himself, for if one loves the righteous acts He does he must also love the righteous God He is.

The works of God can never be studied to exhaustion because they are great. All who take interest in them contemplate what God has done, and thousands of books have been written to express such things. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are about God's work in life and language, yet even these cannot fully articulate the fullness of meaning and information God has put into the world, much less the universe. Works have been written on laughter, wood, the Grand Canyon, and aerodynamics, yet man still discovers more about these things. George Washington Carver spent endless hours studying the peanut. Thomas Edison tried a thousand different conductors for electricity. Fanny Crosby wrote over 9000 hymns and poems. Neil Armstrong touched the moon. The digits of π are infinite.

We only catch mere glimpses of God when we try to comprehend His works because His works are truly great.

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