Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Psalm 49:7, 15

Psalm 49:7, 15
Truly no man can ransom another, 
or give to God the price of his life...
But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,
for he will receive me.

Ransom of a life is far too high a cost for the resources of mortal man. An atheist once declared, "No deity will save us; we must save ourselves." Yet if we were forever separated from God's grace, none could ever be saved at all - by a friend or by himself. The cost is too great.

"But God" is the best news in the Bible. In these two words, hope begins. They mean that we are helpless but He is not, that we are sinful but that He did something about it. That man is not sinless as is God is terrible news. But that God is not sinful or helpless as is man is the greatest news ever.

In His mercy, God ransoms us from the power of death; in His grace, He gives us eternal life. WE are not left without a savior; we are given a Redeemer. Having been delivered from the dominion of darkness, we are accepted as children of light. No evils or powers can stand against us because God is for us (Rom. 8:31). We have been ransomed on Earth; we will be received in Heaven.

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