Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Psalm 115:8

Psalm 115:8
Those who make them become like them;
so do all who trust in them.

Man has sinful conflicts. He desires a god but craves control; wants the supernatural, but he must see it; he craves a deity but lusts after human form. And so man creates god in his own image. Men make god a smorgasbord of their personal tastes and so deny the true and living God.

These sinful pleasures reveal themselves in a variety of ways today. TVs, hand-held electronics, computers, musical instruments, books, houses, and cars all represent examples of inanimate idols. In and of themselves, they are harmless matter, but man makes gods out of them.

The tragic consequence of idolatry is becoming as dead as the idols worshiped. When man replaces the only true God with a god created in earthly image, he loses his spiritual senses (see vv. 5-7). His awareness of God and Heavenly things is replaced by a false sense of security in his idol. All spiritual life runs dry.

May the living and true God awaken our hearts and our senses to the reality of His eternal truth.

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