Thursday, November 22, 2012

Psalm 116:15

Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD
is the death of his saints.

The most detestable thing to the heart, soul, and mind of a natural man is death. Because man is temporal-minded, there is no greater thing to fear. Death takes away all we have in life. It separates us from loved ones and pulls us from riches. It is truly the Grim Reaper.

But for the saints there is ultimate hope because God rescues from ultimate fear - the fear of death (Heb. 2:14-15). Christ's resurrection on our behalf eliminates any need of fear. His power over the grave is our hope of eternal life; death is merely a means to get there, so death is our gain (Php. 1:21). All in this life pales in comparison to the life to come (Pss. 63:3; 116:9).

It is fitting then for God to count the death of His people as a positive thing. It is not discouraging in His sight; it is not hopeless, dark, or terrible; it is not a tragedy. It is precious. And it is precious because death - spiritual then physical - is the gateway to life.

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