Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Psalm 119:10

Psalm 119:10
With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments.

Oftentimes a conservative response to emotionalism creates a tragic neglect of the passion in God's word. With what vigor are we to seek Christ? We are to seek Him with all that we are - our minds, our desires, our ears and eyes, our singing, our eating and drinking, our hopes, our plans, our wills, and our emotions. Consequently, the call to seek God is the call to stop seeking everything else. We must give up everything (Luke 14:33).

But who is this God we are called to so relentlessly follow? He is a Lawgiver and a righteous Judge. Even in following Him we fall short of His great glory (Rom. 3:23), so He justifies us on the merit of His Son (Rom. 3:24) who is the very radiance of God's glory (Heb. 1:3). We cannot seek Him unless He gives us a heart to seek Him, a total transformation, a change of the very core of our being.

God is desirable It is our sin that is deceptive. God alone is sovereign over who may seek Him. It is his work that changes our hearts and shepherds us to obey. While we are seeking, His grace is ever correcting.

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