Thursday, November 29, 2012

Psalm 119:32

Psalm 119:32
I will run in the way of your commandments
when you enlarge my heart.

The aim of the life of a believer is to know God, and knowing God necessitates finding out who He is and what He wants. God's desire is that we obey Him; therefore, He gives us the resources to do so. Our obedience is dependent on His grace.

In order for us to obey God, the very core of our being must be expanded. Our knowledge and wisdom must grow. The source of our love and passion must overflow with yearning for the LORD.

A common mistake of modern Christianity is the mindset that thinking is noble and feeling is evil. What a tragic lie this is. The same God who created human thought established human emotions. He gave us taste so we would hunger for Him, joy so we would find our gladness in Him, and minds so we would think on Him.

With all that is in us, let us run after obedience to God (compare Heb. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 9:24). All energy, all passion, and all hope are to be set on Him. He enlarges these that we may seek Him more. Let us do so. Let us run.

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